MLD & Deep Oscillation
after cosmetic surgery

I feel that one cannot have enough MLD.
Dr Dennis Wolf, cosmetic surgeon

Dr Wolf has noticed a tremendous improvement in the the recovery process after VASER liposuction in patients who had Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) post-operatively. I have treated a number of his patients, and can confirm his observation.

This page is about cosmetic surgery, my experience is mainly with post-operative MLD and Deep Oscillation after VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) liposuction. However, this applies to all kinds of surgery. I think what is underestimated about cosmetic surgery is that there is a huge internal wound, effectively double the area treated (on the inside and under the skin - if you know what I mean), but only a few small incisions. On the other hand, the people who chose to have this kind of precedure are usually young(ish), fit and healthy. The benefits of MLD and Deep Oscillation pre- and post-operatively apply equally, if not more so, to all surgery, as the treatment is very gentle and comforting and so even people with poor general health are likely to benefit.

FAQs about "lymphatic drainage massage" (LDM)

What are your prices?
I charge £56 per one hour session. If you book and pay for five twice weekly sessions, you get free 30 minutes at the first session. During busy times I charge £20 per session non-refundable deposit when booking.

Where are you based?
Carlton Hill in Nottingham, NG4 1JP.

Does it hurt?
It shouldn't, you should feel much more comfortable afterwards. We may go firmer as time goes on.

Can you drain seromas?
No, I can't. You need a sterile procedure for that.

You can reach Touching Well by mobile: 0794 227 6538, or via our landline 0115 648 9636, or the contact form.

Opening times: Monday to Thursday daytime

 I hope to see you soon. With warm regards, Regina

I have been going to Regina for MLD after two surgeries on my thighs, calves, and ankles, after suffering with lipodema. Regina is very knowledgeable and skilled in what she does. After surgery, it can be quite daunting going for MLD (more for dreading taking the compression garments on and off at the beginning!) but she made me feel comfortable throughout all of my sessions with her. It benefitted hugely with the swelling- so much so I have kept the appointments going long after the recommended duration. She gives you lots of hints and tips to help you further in between sessions which I always found to be very useful.
Lauren Zarattini, Derby

Lauren had more than 6 sessions of MLD and Deep Oscillation after each of her surgerys. The surgeon strongly recommended MLD after surgery, he actually wanted to see the MLD appointments in Lauren's dairy.

Manual lymphatic drainage after surgery will

  • increase your comfort levels
  • speed up your recovery
  • minimise swelling
  • minimise bruising
  • soften your tissue
  • decrease in the number of lumps and bumps

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) "kick-starts" your lymphatic system back into action after the procedure. During VASER surgery a lot of fluid is infiltrated into your tissues for the local anaesthetic; they become a bit overwhelmed with the work load. Once the fat has been taken out, the majority of the fluid has also been aspirated (sucked) out.  However, your tissue soon starts to swell as an attempt by your body to repair itself. Both, the compression and the MLD help with the extra fluid in your tissue thus allowing healing to take place more effectively.

I recently had vaser liposuction and two days later after the procedure I had MLD massage as recommended by my surgeon. The results were amazing and helped reduce the swelling and fluid dramatically. I have followed the first MLD up with another one 2 days later and again the results were fantastic. Not only does it help with the fluid and swelling but also helps heal the discomfort.
Lisa, Nottingham

How many sessions?

The number of sessions that are required is variable.  Dr Wolf feels is that one cannot have enough MLD. Obviously finances are a limiting factor, but if you spend a substantial amount of money on your surgery, you can just as well get the best result from it by having MLD.

This is a rough guide to the average number of sessions to be taken within 2-3 weeks of surgery: 

  • arms - +/- 5
  • abdomen - minimum 5, +/-10
  • flanks - minimum 7
  • outer & inner thighs - +/- 5
  • chin/face - 3-5
  • male chest - minimum 3, +/- 5

In High & Mid Definition patients Dr Wolf recommends MLD daily for a week and then 10-15 sessions within the next 2-3 weeks.

For breast reduction the recommendation is 10 sessions of MLD over 2-3 weeks and then weekly for 3-4 months. This is because nodules are more likely to develop post-operatively.

Patients with lipoedema who would like to undergo VASER treatment are advised to have MLD before surgery as well as afterwards.

The number of sessions is variable from patient to patient, but also depends on your level of activity.  Patients who get back into the gym and exercise (as advised by the surgeon) usually require fewer sessions.

It has been observed that people who discontinue MLD too soon may experience nodule formation and scarring at the insertion points. This can be resolved with more MLD and/or myofascial release.

I am a more mature lady who underwent Vaser lipo. to abdomen and flanks in February 2017.

I expected a certain amount of pain/discomfort from the Vaser procedure itself, and was sceptical of the 6 sessions of MLD therapy recommended by my surgeon in case it might inflict more pain or discomfort on top of my post surgical discomfort. I couldn’t have been more wrong!
My treatment with Regina began only 2 days post procedure. It was apparent that she understood exactly how I felt and what was needed. She explained clearly what I should expect from the technique and ensured I understood what was happening to my body, post procedure.

After 1 session the areas were noticeably less swollen; there was NO pain whatsoever from the massage. Noticeable improvements continued at each session and I felt so good after each that I decided to continue beyond the recommended 6 treatments.

The vibrational effect from the Deep Oscillation massage is both soothing and painless. After 6 sessions my result was pronounced to be ‘excellent’ by my surgeon at my follow-up; So excellent in fact, that he asked for Regina’s card in order to recommend her to other patients.

I researched my after care as thoroughly as I did my surgical procedure and truly believe that the former is just as important as the latter. So my advice to anyone in a similar situation – please don’t hesitate to visit Regina for post-surgical (or any massage)therapy.

I am now having massage treatment on other unrelated muscular pain and find Regina’s techniques here to be most beneficial too.

Carol, Nottingham

What is the treatment like?

The treatment is very gentle, almost like stroking. It feels soothing and very relaxing. It should not be uncomfortable - if it is then its being done incorrectly.

"Regina is a wonderful person & made me feel relaxed straight away at my first MLD session.  I came to her after having Vaser Lipo suction. MLD helped me to improve my recovery time. It also helped me to get rid of the hard pockets of fluid that can form as a result of the surgery.
The care she took of me was excellent & the whole experience was extremely relaxing.
I would highly recommend anyone to use Regina. Thank you for all your care."
Lisa, Leicestershire

I am registered with MLD (UK). MLD (UK) have produced a mini guide called: Cosmietic surgery - speeding up recovery. I work together with the surgeon, thus concerns are flagged up early and can be dealt with immediately.

Call me to arrange your post-operative treatment

Clients often ask after the first treatment: "How many sessions shall I have?" My answer is: "As many as you can afford time and money wise".

To book your post-operative Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), please call me on 0115 6489636. You can also email me via the contact form.

I charge £56 per hour. Sometimes the first treatment can take longer due to the removal of the compression and the padding, and putting the compression garment back on after the MLD and deep oscillation. Please book a 90 minute treatment. To make up for this you can pay for five treatments twice weekly at the first session (£280) and get the extra time for free.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss something in particular, then please feel free to get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you,
in the mean time, all the best with your surgery.


PS: Most of the above information has been taken from Dr Wolf's blog and from guidance for therapists published in The Journal of MLD-UK.

PPS: Here is an interesting read about BBL (Braziliian Butt Lift) and cosmetic surgery in general.

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- Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Deep Oscillation -
 - Treatment for lymphoedema - Treatment after cosmetic surgery -
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 - Virtual sessions - Supervision

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