"Massage Message" Back Issues

Below you will find links to all the back issues of my newsletter, “Massage Message”, beginning with the most recent.

To receive the “Massage Message” regularly, simply sign up using the subscription box on the right hand side of my site.

Happy reading!

You can reach Touching Well by mobile: 0794 227 6538, or via our landline 0115 648 9636, or the contact form.

Opening times: Monday to Thursday daytime

 I hope to see you soon. With warm regards, Regina

May 2024, issue 40

  • Manual therapy helps with knee pain
  • Recent feedback
  • Kinesio tape for ankle sprain
  • Acupressure for stress reduction at work?
  • Acupressure for long Covid?
  • Trigger points for myofascial pain syndrome
  • Chronic lower back pain
  • Manual Lymph Drainage
  • Compression wraps
  • AI predicts lymphoedema
  • Lymphoedema prevention after pelvic surgery

November 2023, issue 39

  • Myofascial release helps teachers
  • A massage chair for office workers
  • Trigger points bring pleasure?
  • MFR helps after Caesarian birth
  • Massage helps with migraines
  • Giving massage de-stresses care giver
  • Forward head posture
  • Effleurage helps with sleep
  • Massage for burn scars
  • MLD after mastectomy
  • K-taping for muscular-skeletal disorders
  • Taping the glutes

May 2023, issue 38

  • New telephone number
  • Supervision
  • Corona
  • MFR helps breastfeeding
  • Thoracolumbar fascia
  • MFR increases blood flow
  • MFR helps with lower back pain
  • Decreasing leg length difference
  • Teeth grinding
  • Calming calf massage
  • Massage for anxiety
  • Lime for DOMS
  • Massage helps with painful periods
  • Lymphoedema of the arm

November 2022, issue 37

  • Supervision
  • How to calm a baby
  • Treating shoulder pain
  • Walking backwards
  • Easing a Caesarian scar
  • Constipation
  • MLD for lymphoedema
  • Comfi Compression
  • Treatment after knee surgery
  • Feedback

May 2022, issue 36

  • Horse chestnut
  • MFR after breast cancer treatment
  • Swedish massage helps with Arthritis
  • The wonders of taping
  • Myths about lymphoedema

November 2021, issue 35

  • Easing SCN helps neck pain
  • MFR for fibromyalgia
  • DIY lower back pain management
  • Massaging stress away
  • Thawing a frozen shoulder
  • Massage after caesarian birth
  • Foot and hand massage reduces pain
  • Lavender essential oil eases nerve damage in diabetics
  • Aromatherapy helps sleep
  • Reviews of massage studies
  • Extra benefit of MLD when bandaging?
  • Avoiding lymphoedema after breast cancer surgery
  • Deep Oscillation® helps after knee replacement

May 2021, issue 34

  • What is new at Touching Well
  • Myofascial therapy for Long Covid?
  • Stroking the pain away
  • Massage for fibromyalgia
  • Massage for hospice patients by care givers
  • Foot and hand massage relieves pain and anxiety
  • Massage enhances recovery from exercise for older adults
  • Lymph flow in women with lipoedema
  • Blood test for lymphoedema
  • Muscle strength in women with arm lymphoedema

November 2020, issue 33

  • What is new at Touching Well
  • Plantar stretch, tips on stretches
  • Seven amazing things about our sense of touch
  • Massage helps with depression
  • Five minutes Myofascial Release
  • Massage for musicians
  • Massage lowers blood pressure
  • Foot massage for ankle instability
  • Aromatherapy relieves anxiety
  • Recent feedback
  • Preventing leg oedema after a hysterectomy
  • Leg oedema & the heart

May 2020, issue 32

  • On-line sessions
  • Tips for stretches
  • Neck stretches
  • Long sitting → muscle stiffness
  • Stiffness not related to pain ?
  • Massage helps with recovery after running
  • Myofascial Release (MFR) affects wound healing
  • Leg massage
  • Acupressure for breast feeding
  • Massage for Parkinson’s disease
  • MFR helps with breathing
  • MFR after breast cancer
  • Risk factors for leg lymphoedema after gyny cancer
  • Cellulite

November 2019, issue 31

  • Myofascial Release (MFR)
  • What is fascia?
  • Massage chair in a quiet room?
  • Foam rolling for office workers
  • MFR for breathing
  • MFR for reflux
  • MFR’s effect on the spine
  • MFR after knee replacement
  • MFR after breast cancer
  • Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) reduces pain

May 2019, issue 30

  • Dry cupping
  • Massage for emergency staff
  • Cups for carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cupping for neck and back pain
  • Recent feedback
  • Sleeping better?
  • Myofascial Release (MFR) after breast cancer surgery
  • Effect of MLD (Manual Lymph Drainage) on blood pressure and pulse
  • Can MLD prevent lymphoedema after breast cancer surgery?
  • MLD has no extra benefits???

November 2018, issue 29

  • Until it is too late
  • Taping for blood pressure
  • Bitter orange for PMS
  • Abdominal massage
  • Spa weeks for osteoarthritis
  • MFR after breast cancer surgery
  • Compression only
  • Lympoedema and obesity
  • How much pressure is best

May 2018, issue 28

  • New Data Protection Regulation
  • Preventing burnout
  • On-site massage feedback
  • What is …? Various massage strokes
  • Massage after birth
  • Manual therapy for plantar heel pain
  • Aromatherapy for knee osteoarthritis
  • MLD and exercise prevent oedema?
  • CDT helps shoulder pain

November 2017, issue 27

  • Letting you down gently
  • Hot and cold stones
  • Melting stress
  • Preventative chair massage
  • Tennis elbow and co.
  • Massage for pregnancy and labour
  • Surgery for neck pain
  • Fibromyalgia and myofascial release
  • Deep Oscillation stretches hamstrings
  • MLD for recovering after exercise?
  • Recent feedback

May 2017, issue 26

  • Connecting (T)issues
  • On-site massage for pain prevention
  • Short massage real effects
  • Recent feedback
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Massage behind the knee increases blood flow
  • Calf massage to prevent thrombosis
  • ROM increases with massage
  • Trigger points for headace
  • MLD and deep oscillation
  • Schematic illustration of the effect of deep oscillation

November 2016, issue 25

  • Myofascial Release
  • Reaching my goal - Hazel's story
  • Thirty years of the massage chair and on-site massage
  • Recent feedback
  • Massage during labour shortens it
  • Massage calms anxiety
  • Massage for quality of life
  • Real lymphflow
  • MLD normalises skin in oedema
  • Gemma’s story

May 2016, issue 24

  • Myofascial Release (MFR)
  • Why your posture matters
  • Angel posture test
  • Enjoy
  • Massage helps older people
  • An important breakthrough?
  • Find it early
  • MLD helps the veins
  • Healing after football injury
  • Recent feedback

November 2015, issue 23

  • Oxytocin - the feel good hormone
  • Touch Science
  • Stress relief for nurses
  • Massage after surgery
  • Get it moving mwith massage
  • Massage for weight loss?
  • Massage in intensive care
  • Does MLD add to treatment?
  • Leg oedema after uterus cancer
  • Recent feedback

May 2015, issue 22

  • Small but important
  • Massage for the heart
  • Massage for arthritic neck pain
  • Breast cancer and massage
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Acupressure in pregnancy
  • Does MLD spread cancer?
  • Does MLD prevent lymphoedema?

November 2014, issue 21

  • Naomi's story
  • Massage for nursing students
  • Acupressure at work
  • Pressure matters
  • Massage for period pain
  • Breast cancer and massage
  • Massage your pecs if breastfeeding problems
  • How do you experience massage?
  • MLD for high heels
  • Deep Oscillation for wounds
  • Stress and infertility
  • Recent feedback

May 2014, issue 20

  • Massage is sensational
  • How heavy is a glass of water?
  • Acupressure for fatigue
  • Aromatherapy and stress
  • Recent feedback
  • Aromatherapy
    ...for sleep
    … anxiety before surgery
    … nausea after a general anaesthetic
  • Massage for burns scars
  • Osteoarthritis and massage
  • MLD and stress
  • MLD for venous disease

November 2013, issue 19

  • Massage helps carpal tunnel
  • Foot massage helps carers
  • Recent feedback
  • How long does massage last?
  • Womanly massage
    ...for painful periods
    … during pregnancy
    … and labour
    … and during menopause
  • MLD after a new knee
  • My mobility is much better
  • I can move my foot & ankle again

May 2013, issue 18

  • Exercise at work
  • Foot massage helps carers
  • Recent feedback
  • Self massage helps osteoarthritis
  • Treating very sick people
  • Massage does ease pain
  • Upping the “feel good” hormone
  • MLD and fertility
  • MLD to prevent lymphoedema?
  • Preventing pre-mature ageing?!?

November 2012, issue 17

  • On-site massage for aches & pains
  • … and helps with pain from work
  • ...and stress in nurses
  • Recent feedback
  • Massage for older people
  • Slow stroking soporific
  • Aromatherapy for stress reduction
  • Massage prevent falls
  • Keith's story
  • The wave
  • Cellulite

May 2012, issue 16

  • The Spine Squeezer
  • The many uses of a tennis ball
  • Aromatherapy & Menopause
  • … and painful periods
  • Lavender oil for infant colic
  • Massage & yoga lift you
  • Fancy a tattoo
  • Look after your scar
  • Compression for painful legs?

December 2011, issue 15a

  • German Christmas Stollen
  • Christmas wishes

November 2011, issue 15

  • Feedback from Roger Daltrey and others
  • Chair massage turns heads
  • Massage for low back pain
  • Stress and Fertility
  • Unhealthy gums delay conception?
  • Frankincense for treating arthritis
  • Lymphoedema conference
  • Acupuncture and lymphoedema
  • Recent feedback

October 2011, issue 14c

September 2011, issue 14b

  • Frankincense for arthitis
  • TouchingWell facebook page
  • Chocolate for the heart
  • Apples and pears prevent stroke
  • High protein diet good for loosing belly fat
  • Unhealthy gums make it difficult to conceive

July 2011, issue 14a

May 2011, issue 14

  • Sunshine massage
  • 1955 Good Housewive's Guide
  • Massage for constipation
  • Massage helps after major surgery
  • Taping instead of bandaging?
  • Recent feedback

December 2010, issue 13b

  • Christmas greetings
  • Celtic blessing
  • Lymphatic lift
  • Massage helps you sleep
  • Massage for dementia

November 2010, issue 13a

  • Chronic stress does cause heart disease - the proof
  • Sense of touch can relieve pain
  • Self massage
  • Deep Oscillation

November 2010, issue 13

  • Dorn method
  • Chair massage brings high blood pressure down 
  • On-site massage eases painful tension
  • Chronic stress does cause heart disease - the proof
  • Sense of touch can relieve pain
  • Self massage
  • Slimmer ankles in pregnancy
  • Smell of jasmine 'as calming as valium'
  • Deep Oscillation

September 2010, issue 12b

  • Firm handshake, long life?
  • Chair massage brings high blood pressure down
  • On-site massage reduces painful tension
  • Slimmer ankles in pregnancy
  • The Dorn Method - a gentle treatment designed to alleviate back and joint pain

August 2010, issue 12a

  • Laptops and Wi-Fi can affect male fertility
  • Sense of touch can help to relieve pain
  • Smell of jasmine 'as calming as valium'

May 2010, issue 12

  • Green Gym – exercising outside gets thumbs up!
  • Eye exercises when working on your computer
  • Mental well-being evoked by touch, even in stressful situations
  • MLD to prevent lymphoedema after breast surgery?

November 2009, issue 11

  • How to sit correctly when working at your computer
  • Easing a pain in the neck
  • Pregnancy massage helps after birth
  • Life is better after treatment (of lymphoedema)
  • New wood burning stove

May 2009, issue 10

  • Birth preparation session
  • Reflexology for stress in the work place
  • The value of doodling
  • Aromatherapy and depression
  • Abdominal massage for constipation
  • Lipoedema
  • MLD after foot operations

November 2008, issue 9

  • Optimists live longer
  • 7 good reasons to have a massage
  • Visit to Foeldi Clinic
  • Regina completes her Reflexology training

May 2008, issue 8

  • Massage better than drugs for pain
  • Chair massage helps with maths!
  • Chair massage in cancer care hospital
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Deep massage, blood pressure and heart rate
  • MLD and leg ulcers
  • MLD eases chronic headache
  • MLD after extraction of wisdom teeth

November 2007, issue 7

  • Stress at work can cause heart attacks
  • Stress - what is it?
  • Aromatherapy and weight loss
  • NO HANDS massage
  • Lymphoedema service in Nottingham
  • International Consensus document: best practice for the management of lymphoedema

May 2007, issue 6

  • Our deepest fear
  • Workplace stress - latest figures
  • Stress and control over work
  • Evidence based massage
  • Massage relieves nausea
  • Massage for people with burns
  • Acupressure for dementia
  • Aromatherapy for cars
  • Headache and MLD
  • Richard’s leg
  • De-tox and MLD

November 2006, issue 5

  • How does your profession affect your health?
  • Effects of massage in labour and pregnancy
  • If I had my life all over
  • Aromatherapy for women
  • Massage and migraine
  • MLD and exercise
  • Kinesio tape

May 2006, issue 4

  • More risk of injury on Mondays!
  • Long working hours not good for your heart
  • Acupressure helps with back pain
  • Cuddles in infancy help baby grow
  • Regina completes specialist training in Pregnancy massage

November 2005, issue 3

  • 10 minute energizer
  • Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace
  • Body cushion
  • How much sleep?
  • Why don’t you sleep on it?
  • Chi Gong exercise

June 2005, issue 2

  • Treatment for neck pain
  • Health effects of air conditioning
  • Lymphoedema and its treatment
  • Arthur's massage poem

June 2005, Baby massage special

  • Television is unsuitable for babies
  • Baby massage with bumps
  • Benefit of baby massage
  • “Babies don't keep” poem

November 2004, issue 1

  • Colds and flu
  • Nappy song

Back to the Top

List of treatments
Myofascial Release (MFR) - Saving Hands massage -
Therapeutic massage -
Maya Abdominal Therapy -
- Seated Acupressure - Indian Head Massage - Pulsing - Reiki -
- Reflexology - Tsuboki Foot Massage - Hopi Ear Candles -
Hot and Cold Stone Massage - Myofascial dry cupping -
Aromatherapy Massage - Aromatherapy Lymphatic Massage (ALM) -
- Fertility Massage - Pregnancy Massage - Post-natal Massage -
- Dorn Method - Breuss Massage -
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Deep Oscillation -
 - Treatment for lymphoedema - Treatment after cosmetic surgery -
Holistic Facial - Face Vitality - Total Detox -
 - Virtual sessions - Supervision

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