Manual therapy MOT

by Rachel France
(Managing Director Biomechanics Education Ltd)

Having discovered Regina & her amazing magic hands several months ago I would very strongly recommend her.

As a manual therapist myself & an educator of anatomy/biomechanics & human movement it has been a challenge to find someone I trust to provide me with this particular service.

From the very first time Regina demonstrated her skills on me, I knew! Her technical ability is phenomenal & even now she still amaze me with her accuracy, awareness & ability to provide the most outstanding manual therapy service.

Our professional relationship improves the more we work together & I'm able to request specific work but instinctively Regina can often make valuable recommendations as she works with on me.

This kind of service should not simply be used as a corrective or reactive measure but should be used as a preventative measure. Regina is the best in the area & I feel very lucky to have found her.

We pay to service & MOT our cars and yet we can buy a new car!!

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List of treatments
Myofascial Release (MFR) - Saving Hands massage -
Therapeutic massage -
Maya Abdominal Therapy -
- Seated Acupressure - Indian Head Massage - Pulsing - Reiki -
- Reflexology - Tsuboki Foot Massage - Hopi Ear Candles -
Hot and Cold Stone Massage - Myofascial dry cupping -
Aromatherapy Massage - Aromatherapy Lymphatic Massage (ALM) -
- Fertility Massage - Pregnancy Massage - Post-natal Massage -
- Dorn Method - Breuss Massage -
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Deep Oscillation -
 - Treatment for lymphoedema - Treatment after cosmetic surgery -
Holistic Facial - Face Vitality - Total Detox -
 - Virtual sessions - Supervision

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