Easing your hands

Start by rubbing your hands together as if you are washing your hands for the recommenced twenty seconds. You could actually wash your hands or do the actions in a comfortable position. Notice the sensations in your hands. What is their temperature? What does the skin feel like? How do they move?

Interlace your fingers, turn your palms away from you and stretch up in a big arch, keeping your arms extended and your palms facing outwards. Interlace your fingers and stretch behind you, see how far you can move your outstretched arms away from your back. Stay tall, don't bend forward. You may even be able to turn your palms away from you with interlaced fingers (I can't).

Make big movements with your hands and wrists, make a fist and extend your fingers as far as you can. Circle your wrists, move them up and down and sideways. Nice and slow and deliberate. Make your movements as smooth as possible.

You can reach Touching Well by mobile: 0794 227 6538, or via our landline 0115 648 9636, or the contact form.

Opening times: Monday to Thursday daytime

 I hope to see you soon. With warm regards, Regina

You can use your lower arm to massage the other lower arm. For this you need to sit so that your feet are flat on the floor. Place one arm across your thighs, the other arm across it. Now lean on your top arm, move - either with the top arm while keeping hold of the tissues of the bottom arm, or the bottom arm - wrist rotations, big movements of hand, etc. You can do this with the bottom arm palm up or down, depending on which side of the lower arm you would like to loosen. Now place the back of your hand on one thigh and place your forearm across it. Lean on your forearm.

Press into the webbing between your thumb and your forefinger until you find an exquisitely tender point. Hold and breathe. In my experience there is no way of doing this gently or saving your fingers. This acupressure point "brings the energy down", so is good for anxiety and headaches. Avoid in pregnancy unless you want to help the birth along.

Interlace your fingers. Move your palms against each other as if you want to draw a smile on the heels of your hands. Now move the palms of your hands backwards and forwards, moving your wrists and covering the heel and the middle of your palm. Now gently squeeze the fingers of one hand together and move that hand slightly so that the fingers of the other hand get a massage. Now squeeze the fingers of the other hand. Bend your fingers and interlace your fingers further out and squeeze.

Interlace your fingers the other way and repeat.

Now give your fingers a massage. You can use cream or oil for this. With each finger start at the wrist, moving to the metacarpal bone towards the knuckle, and then along the digits towards the tip of the finger. Gently mobilise each part, moving up and down, sideways, roll between your fingers. You can give the thumb pad a bit of a squeeze and gently work towards the bone. There is lots of interest to be had. You can spend a lot of time on this.

Finish vigorously stroking your hands from your wrists or even forearm towards your fingers and beyond.

List of treatments
Myofascial Release (MFR) - Saving Hands massage -
Therapeutic massage -
Maya Abdominal Therapy -
- Seated Acupressure - Indian Head Massage - Pulsing - Reiki -
- Reflexology - Tsuboki Foot Massage - Hopi Ear Candles -
Hot and Cold Stone Massage - Myofascial dry cupping -
Aromatherapy Massage - Aromatherapy Lymphatic Massage (ALM) -
- Fertility Massage - Pregnancy Massage - Post-natal Massage -
- Dorn Method - Breuss Massage -
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Deep Oscillation -
 - Treatment for lymphoedema - Treatment after cosmetic surgery -
Holistic Facial - Face Vitality - Total Detox -
 - Virtual sessions - Supervision

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